

 尼泊尔被认为是一个多元文化、多语言和世俗的国家。 尽管是一个小国,但与其庞大的邻国相比,该国拥有广泛多样的领土,从特莱潮湿的丛林平原延伸到地球上最高和最冰的山峰。 尼泊尔人主要是印度教徒,尽管有着古老而深厚的佛教传统,以乔达摩悉达多的出生地蓝毗尼镇为中心。 大部分人口集中在山谷和州首府加德满都市。 官方语言是尼泊尔语,官方货币是尼泊尔卢比,国旗的特点是它是唯一一个既不是长方形也不是正方形的国家。

Ekonomia politikoa

Ekonomia politikoa ekoizpena eta merkataritza eta legearekin, ohiturarekin eta gobernuarekin dituzten harremanak aztertzea da; eta nazio errenta eta aberastasunaren banaketarekin. Diziplina gisa, ekonomia politikoa filosofia moralean sortu zen, XVIII. mendean, estatuen aberastasunaren administrazioa aztertzeko, "politikoa" greziar polity hitza eta "ekonomia" greziar hitza οἰκονομία (etxeen kudeaketa). Ekonomia politikoaren lehen lanak Adam Smith, Thomas Malthus eta David Ricardo britainiar jakintsuei egotzi ohi zaizkie, nahiz eta aurretik fisiokraten frantsesen lanak izan ziren, hala nola François Quesnay (1694-1774) eta Anne-Robert-Jacques. Turgot (1727–1781). Bada ia luzea den tradizio bat ere, ekonomia politikoaren kritika egiteko. mendearen amaieran, "ekonomia" terminoa apurka-apurka "ekonomia politikoa" terminoa ordezkatzen hasi zen eredu matematikoaren gorakadarekin batera, Alfred Marshallek 1890ean eragin handiko testuliburu bat argitaratu...

Liosta de na gobhan anns a 'Ghearmailt

Tha an liosta seo a' sealltainn nan gnèithean gob a tha sa Ghearmailt. Tha e a’ toirt a-steach gnè an superfamily Curculionoidea. Tha an liosta mar sin cuideachd a’ toirt a-steach daolagan agus daolagan rùsg, a bhuineas don teaghlach Curculionidae, ach nach eilear a’ toirt iomradh orra mar goimhean air sgàth an coltas agus an dòigh-beatha. Anns a ' Ghearmailt tha 1172 gnè (bhon t-Samhain 2021), ged a dh'fhaodas an àireamh de ghnèithean atharrachadh beagan a rèir a' mhìneachaidh. Airson cuid de ghnèithean, tha inbhe gnè neo-chinnteach, no chaidh an toirt a-steach à dùthchannan eile agus chan eil iad stèidhichte gu daingeann an seo, no tha teagamh ann mun stèidheachadh aca. Chan eil co-aontachd ann mu shiostaman an Curculionoidea. Tha an siostam a thathar a’ cleachdadh an seo a’ leantainn an “Cooperative Catalog of Palearctic Coleoptera”. Tha inbhe làthaireachd na Gearmailt stèidhichte air làrach-lìn an "Directory of Beetles Germany", a tha na leantainn dealana...

Blogspot Ideas

A Blogspot is a website, or part of a website, personal in which the author notes, as he reflects on a subject that is important to him, opinions, impressions, etc., to disseminate them and elicit reactions, comments and discussions, and whose individual articles or contributions are known as posts. With the increase in the number of blogs, the phenomenon of spamming, originally associated only with email, is now entering the blogosphere. - (OECD Information Technology Outlook 2006, page 308) The great ease, both technological and financial, of setting up a site or a blog on the Web, means that there are now many non-historian sites speaking of the Middle Ages in a more or less appropriate manner […] well that these sites appear quite "serious". - (Joseph Morsel et al., History (of the Middle Ages) is a combat sport…, 2007) Finally, in the world of web 2.0, in particular around blogs, we have seen the practice of public and collective or “shared” indexing develop around tags...