Blogspot Ideas

A Blogspot is a website, or part of a website, personal in which the author notes, as he reflects on a subject that is important to him, opinions, impressions, etc., to disseminate them and elicit reactions, comments and discussions, and whose individual articles or contributions are known as posts.

With the increase in the number of blogs, the phenomenon of spamming, originally associated only with email, is now entering the blogosphere. - (OECD Information Technology Outlook 2006, page 308)

The great ease, both technological and financial, of setting up a site or a blog on the Web, means that there are now many non-historian sites speaking of the Middle Ages in a more or less appropriate manner […] well that these sites appear quite "serious". - (Joseph Morsel et al., History (of the Middle Ages) is a combat sport…, 2007)

Finally, in the world of web 2.0, in particular around blogs, we have seen the practice of public and collective or “shared” indexing develop around tags. - (Alain Giffard, Bernard Stiegler and Christian Fauré, To put an end to disgrace: Some reflections from Ars industrialis, Éditions Flammarion, 2009, chapter 12)

- Yes, the blog. Every blogger is a crypto-kikoolol or a declared kikoolol. To start a blog means to pollute the planet with its pretension. It wouldn't occur to a normal being. - (François Marchand, Mortal Cycle, Éditions Écritures, 2013).

Blog Translations

Afrikaans : Webjoernaal (af) Allemand : Blog (de) Anglais : blog (en) Arabe : مدونة (ar) Chinois : 博客 (zh), 部落格 (zh), 博落 (zh) Coréen : 블로그 (ko) beurogeu Créole haïtien : blòg (*) Espagnol : bitácora (es) Espéranto : blogo (eo) Finnois : blogi (fi) Gaélique irlandais : blag (ga) masculin Grec : ιστολόγιο (el) istolóyio neutre Ido : blogo (io) Italien : blog (it) masculin, diario online (it) Japonais : ブログ (ja) burogu Néerlandais : blog (nl) Norvégien (bokmål) : blogg (no) Norvégien (nynorsk) : blogg (no) Occitan : blòg (oc) Persan : وب نوشت (fa) Polonais : blog (pl) masculin Portugais : blog (pt), blogue (pt) masculin Russe : блог (ru) blog masculin Slovaque : blog (sk) masculin Slovène : blog (sk) masculin Suédois : blogg (sv) commun Tchèque : blog (cs) masculin


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